Safetrack® Electronic PinBrazing System
Safetrack® patented Pin Brazing system is a unique battery driven brazing method to applicate electrical connectors to steel structures like railway rails. Used for connecting signal bonds, rail bonds, power and return bonds and for grounding cables. The system is also used with great advantage within cathodic protection (CP) systems.
The secret of the patented system is that a special silver based alloy, developed for the purpose, is melted (650°C) by a totally controlled energy distribution from high power batteries thru the patented electronic and automated brazing device.

- Low temperature. The only melting part is a special silver alloy. Melts at 650°C (1200°F)
- Safe for the material. It is a Silver Brazing Method. Does not melt the work material down as welding methods does
- Works in any weather condition. Rain and snow is no more a problem
- Achieve Broken Rail detection, caused by the drilled hole for the joint bars, by attaching rail bonds on side of rail head
- Fast, the PinBrazing process only takes a second and the whole preparation takes less than a minute
- Economical
- Safe for the operator
- Corrosion free
- No need for special moulds
- Easy. Automated 1 second process
Pin Brazers worldwide
Some of Safetracks PinBrazing customers:
Rail Industry
Burlington Northern Santa Fe RailRoad, USA. Union Pacific RailRoad, USA. Canadian National Railway, Canada. Canadian Pacific Railway, Canada. Russian Railways, Russia. West.Ter, Russia. Network rail, UK. Trafikverket (Swedish Railway). Stockholm Underground, Sweden. Strukton Rail, Sweden.
Gothenburg Tramway, Sweden. Balfour Beatty, Sweden. VR (Finnish state railway). Helsinki Metro, Finland. Siemens, Germany. Alstom, France. Algerian Railway, Algeria. Indian Railways, India. Sterling Transtel, India. Egyptian National Railways. Lithuanian Railways. Izmir Metro, Turkey. Greece State Railway. Polish Railways.
Cathodic Protection Industry
Corrpro, USA. Korrosionsgruppen, Sweden. Sydgas, Sweden, Savcor Art, Finland. Eesti gaas, Estonia. Stolt Offshore, USA. Pipeline integrity management, Israel. Corrosion Controlo Services, India. PSL, India. Petunia Co, Iran. Iranian Offshore & engeneering Co IOEC, Iran. Saipem, Kazakhstan. Bitco, Kuwait. RWNA, Malaysia. BSS Technologies, UAE. Euramco, UK. Gaskomplekt OAO Beltransgaz, Belarus. Corrpol, Poland. Toyo Engineering, Japan. Shell, Malaysia.